Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dark Alien Planet

Discovery of a Dark Alien Planet

First this planet is 750 million light years away from Earth. Secondly, scientists are describing this planet " darker than coal ". This planet is called TrES-2b and it has a faint red glow similar to the coils on an electric stove. After that, people think that there might be creatures on that planet because there is air but it is 12,000 degrees Celsius on that planet. In Conclusion, this planet has a lot of interesting things and we hope one day humans will be able to set foot on that planet and investigate it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Discovery of a Diamond Planet

Scientist's have discovered a planet that is very interesting to look at and to investigate about. First, the planet has a pulsar star that is around the planet so it was easy for the scientist's to spot the planet. Secondly, this planet is 4,000 light years away from planet earth. After that, astronomers believe that the " diamond " planet was once a massive star. In Conclusion, the " diamond " planet is very attractive and tells us that planet's are not so boring as we think they are.